Family meal

 Hello everyone today I will talk aobut a family meal

I remeber was in about im 2019 for Semptember 18, It back memories because with my cousin we are very fanatic of "Asado" and in this ocassion is eaten many "Asado" in Chile.

Remember that we were in the grandmother house, with my fathers, brother, uncles and cousins

This ocassion is Epic because my father and your brother never give up the position for cook "Asado" but me and my cousin Jose who is like my brother, we insist very much on my dad and uncle, finally guve up the position, in this moment I was very happy. Remember with jose have go to the supermarket to bo¿uy a meat.

the day arrived and with Jose we lit the fire and we start to cook the sausage and bread for eat the fampus "choripan" our grnadmother helps up to cook the sauce "Pebre" Then came the part most importan the meat, we were cook the meat 2 hour  using techniques other than the traditional one that my uncle and my dad.

Fanally finishing and Remember to bringing the meat to table were was the hole family, we are very nervous but everything like the food, with Jose we were very happy and now the this moment oficially we are the cooks "Asado" in the familly.


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