A contry would like to visit

 Hello everyone, today I’m going tolk about the country would like to visit

I like so much hawai because I love the surf and I like so much de music in special the instrument ukulele, their culture also attracts my attention and the tattoos they make

I really don't know much about them, the only think I know is Hawái the capital of surf, and its the geography is a many islands, its climate is subtropical and the day is very mild 

Obviously I would really like to go to the beach, and eat the “Saimin” tipical plate of food wich consist in a soup of noodles and shrimp, and play the ukelele in the sand around a campfire.

I would like to live there, because people are very passive unlike here in Santiago, they are happier and they are not selfish, there aren't many cars either and people use bicycles and walk 


  1. Hawaiians are famous for being relaxed (more than passive). I've been there and it is beautiful. Aloha.


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