My best holidays ever

 Hello everyone today Im going talk about my best holidays ever 

In my opinion my best holidays it was in the summer of 2022, because school was over and this is the first vacation with my girlfriend and the first time to traveled far away with my friends in february.

I remember have gone with my friends and my brother to Maintencillo, Chile, in the fifth region.

I went for only 7 days in a cabin, the truth is that the vacation was very short.

The activities we did is surf, play football, eat burgers, pizza and hot dog, go to the beach and drink “mate” because my best friend he is from Uruguay.

It the best so far because it is a memory that I will never erase to my mind be with my friends and brother in a place beautifull.

And the other information it was when my cousin lost the keys to the cabin and we spent an hour rescuing them.


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