The blog experience

 Hello everyone today is the last blog in this semester,

Is very sad write the last blog, but I'm happy because I learned so much English and is not boring.

The post was enjoyed writing most is "Two Photograph" beacuse I talk about the places that I like so much for many reason, for example the two photos is in the beach, picture number 1 is in near on my city, and is very important to me because in this place it was my first 14F with my girlfriend, and the second picture is in the island called "punta de choro" is a very beautifull place and is so much animals.

The post was least enjoyed writing is the  pages favorite to visit in instagram, because I remember that this day had a calification in taller and the last night I never sleep any hour, 

The post was enjoyed reading is the my friend "Ignacio" blog, and the most iteresting is was talk obout of football and Alexis Sanchez.

Now my english is very good in comparison my english 3 months ago, because now I don't need the google traductor for made my blogs, I think is very important to practice the English in this form and not the traditional.

I like so much use the computer and the class for talk about of my life, but it cost me a lot come in the 8:30 am...


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